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India post: Helping your business to succeed

India Post Business Solutions is a suite of services offered by India Post to businesses of all sizes. These services are designed to help businesses streamline their operations and reduce costs. It offers a wide range of services, including Cash on Delivery, Book Now Pay Later, Speed Post, Business Parcel, Business Post, Logistics Post, and fulfillment services. India Post Business Solutions is a reliable and affordable option for businesses to send documents and parcels across India, and it offers a variety of convenient services, such as online booking and tracking.

Overview of Book Now Pay Later (BNPL Scheme):

Bulk customer is eligible for credit facility provided he enters in to an agreement with the Department. Bulk customer is defined as anyone who provides Rs. 10,000 worth of speed post business in calendar month at a Speed Post booking office.​​

The bulk customer choosing to avail credit facility will  APPLY  to designated authority in the prescribed format. The bulk customer will have to enter into an agreement with the designated authority. On getting approval, the customer shall have to produce Bank Guarantee. The contract will be applicable for a period of one year and approving authority shall renew the contract on an annual basis.

The BNPL bill will be prepared on a monthly basis (Calendar month) by the office of posting. The bill will be raised by 7th day of following month (bill date). The bulk customer shall pay the bill amount in full on or before last day of the month in which bill is raised(due date).

In case the customer fails to make the payment by the due date, penalty at the rate of 12% per annum on the amount of the bill amount shall be imposed from the bill date. In case, the bulk customer chooses not to avail the credit facility and to make full payment at the time of Speed Post articles, he/she will be eligible for discount of the speed post business provided by him in a calendar month is Rs 50,000 and above or more.​​

Cash on Delivery Option:

In order to meet the requirement of bulk customers for collection of amount for costlier goods, Cash on Delivery facility is available which provides collection of amount up to Rs. 50,000/- at the time of delivery of consignments.

Why Use COD Facility ?

* Fast, Safe and economical solution of collection of amount of goods at the time of its delivery and its remittance to sender.

* Insurance of Cash on Delivery articles shall not be compulsory irrespective of amount of recovery from addressee.

* Amount, recovered from addressee on delivery of such article by post, shall be remitted to the sender through ePayment.

* ​Address Specific delivery i.e article can be delivered to any person at the address on realization of requisite amount.​

Conditions for Availing COD facility

Customer is a contractual customer and has agreement with the Department for transmission Cash on Delivery articles. Amount specified for recovery from addressee in the case of any such postal article shall not exceed fifty thousand rupees (Rs. 50,000/-) and shall not include a fraction of rupee. Such articles do not contain coupons, tickets, certificates or introductions designed for the sale of goods on what is known as the Snowball System . In addition to postage, insurance fee wherever applicable, the sender of the postal article intended to be transmitted by post as Cash on Delivery article shall be required to pay the following additional fee on delivery of such postal article:

Additional Fee Charged for Availing COD facility
Amount to be recovered from addressee Schedule of fee
​Up to Rs.5,000/-2% of the amount recovered or Rs. 50/- whichever is more
Above Rs.5,000/-Rs. 100/- + 1% of amount exceeding Rs. 5,000/-

*The above fee shall be exclusive of taxes and the taxes, if applicable, have to be paid extra as notified by the Central Government from time to time.

Open a Speed Post Account:

For corporate customers and regular users, Speed Post provides customised solutions for your needs such as pick-up from the premises, convenient monthly billings, centralized billing under a single national account, account management, corporate tracking facilities, volume discounts etc.Open an account now.

Contact Us

For further details and business requirements, contact your Chief Postmaster General.Click Here

For PAN India services and other business matters, get in touch with

General Manager
Business Development & Marketing Directorate

Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi - 110 001
Tel: 91-11-2309 6040/ 23096028.
Toll free No. : 1800-11-8282

Discount Structure:

Monthly RevenueDiscount rate
INR 50,001/- to 5,00,000/-10%
INR 5,00,001/- to 25,00,000/-15%
INR 25,00,001/- to 100,00,000/-20%
INR 100,00,001/- to 500,00,000/-25%
Above INR 500,00,000/-30%

• 1% additional discount for contractual customers who either avail advance deposit facility or make payment at the time of booking. In case monthly revenue is more than Rs. 25 lac, the additional discount will be 2%.
• The additional discount would be offered provided the booking data is made available by the customer in electronic format. In case booking data is received only as a hard copy, the discount would be reduced by half.
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